From that position, the conscience will build a chosen personality, among the options offered by the environment, from where it will deny the depth of a conflict that surpasses it, concealing itself and supporting itself in a complicit framework, from where a fiction will be constructed that will defend itself from the obviousness .
Once this personality is built, the individual begins to feel rejection of the Truth. Like someone hiding in the dark, fearful of punishment, he would see the light as a danger.
In this process, all the harmful acts performed by the self-assigned victim, would be justified before an altar, insane, erected to deception, where the entity takes refuge and where it shows itself martyred by the injustices of Life.
By observing how this degradative process happens, we contemplate how thoughts are concerned with constructing and maintaining, conceptually, a well-intentioned image of the self: The image of an innocent victim, unjustly treated by adversity of live. In this way it is denied, to consciousness, the malice of certain acts and the cunning with which actions are carried out with predatory intentions, thus being justified any cruelty that the victimized personality carries out.
To legitimize the rage, which will force the execution of cruelty, the victimized conscience resorts to the imagined belief that the damage it causes, it is much smaller than the hell that suffers, caused by the injustices of Life.
In this way, this fictitious entity, which usurps the true naturalness of Being, initiates a degenerative metamorphosis, in order to eventually become part of the force opposed to the Sacred (known ancestrally as the Devil).
The suffering, that the accumulation of acts, words and harmful thoughts generates, is lived victimized by the conscience, accusing the becoming of the life (the Sacred in essence) of being the executioner that provokes the lived suffering.
This victimization has the power to justify any unworthy act performed by the victim, who seems to have forgotten that these acts lead him to oppose his Origin, preventing his return.
And so, dragged by this whirlwind and covering layers of deception this unfathomable drama, the unconsciousness and the existential irresponsibility increase.
A drama that will wait, until the day when the curtain falls and this dream interpretation is shown, behind which the deception tries to hide naively from the Truth.
This would be the genesis and development, synthesized, of the degradation of consciousness, until it ends in the belly of the Demiurge, from where it is impossible to see the face of the swallower.
A process that was transmitted and described, in other words, by our ancestral roots, to protect us. Roots that have been denied and cut by the inertia of greed, which today seduces consciences.
Extracted from the book “Huyendo del Origen” of Marsias Yana.